Recap Summer 2023

Recap Summer 2023

“The pathway to positive outcomes for veterans and their families start with Work with Purpose”– Colonel (Ret.) Sam Whitehurst,Vice President, Programs & Services,Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services

Over the last four months, Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services has organized and led convenings and discussions on connecting veterans and military spouses with family-sustaining careers, engaged and shared best practices on training programs that lead to work with purpose, inspired our partners in labor on ways to maximize the experiences and potential of union veterans, and assisted our Fedcap Group partners in increasing the impact of workforce programs that will transform the lives of veterans and their families.

Some highlights include: the American Legion National Convention, organizing and leading the American Legion and Task Force Movement Credentialing Summit; coordinating a new initiative with Task Force Movement to create opportunities for veterans and their families in the healthcare industry during the National Association of State Workforce Agencies Veterans Conference, introducing state workforce agency members from all 50 states and territories to initiatives and programs that are making a difference in the lives of veterans and their families; and inspiring the delegates at the Utility Workers Union of America’s 32nd Constitutional Convention on how to best integrate veterans and their families into the UWUA’s program, organizations, and their communities.We also worked with our Fedcap Group partners, Civic Hall and Community Work Services, ssisting them in developing workforce programs that will provide an onramp to successful careers for veterans in information technology/cybersecurity and the utility industry. Careers that will elevate veterans and their families, veterans often from marginalized communities.

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Holiday Reception and Awards Ceremony

On 10 December Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services hosted our 13th Annual Holiday Reception and Awards Ceremony. This year we moved the event to align with