Opportunities for Veteran Entrepreneurs in Trucking

Opportunities for Veteran Entrepreneurs in Trucking

“Veterans are hard-wired to be successful entrepreneurs, especially in the trucking industry. It comes down to connecting them with the right training opportunities and mentorship—this is Driven by Equity.”

– Colonel (Ret.) Sam Whitehurst, Vice President, Programs & Services,
Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services

Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services announces the formation of the Driven by Equity (DbE) coalition with our partners, African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (AACCNJ), Task Force Movement, and the Minority Professional Truckers Association (MPTA).

As the architect of the coalition, Dixon Center defined the challenges facing veteran entrepreneurs in the trucking industry, identified and collaborated with partners in the business and veteran community to develop solutions to those challenges, and is now leading an effort to create a pilot program to be launched this fall in New Jersey. The Driven by Equity initiative will equip truckers who are veterans with the training and tools to be successful entrepreneurs, especially for women veterans and veterans from underrepresented communities.

Dixon Center and our partners, AACCNJ, MPTA, and Task Force Movement, at the launch of the Driven by Equity Coalition in New Jersey on April 22, 2024.

Approximately 91% of trucking businesses in the U.S. are small businesses, yet there is currently no formal education or certification program available to them. The Driven By Equity Initiative seeks to fill this gap by connecting industry experts with potential and current veteran owner-operators, providing them with a roadmap to success.

An example of Dixon Center addressing the evolving needs of veterans and their families and creating pathways for them to be productive, successful members of their communities.

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