Dixon Center Updates One-Pager

A one-page overview of our work is a common request from potential donors and partners. However, it is a great tool for all of our staff, partners, donors and friends to use in promoting our work. 

– Eileen Greenlay, Director of Development

Recently, Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services reviewed and updated critical collateral linked to our outreach efforts. One of these documents is our one-page profile, or One-Pager. It summarizes our work and impact. We use it as a point of reference for discussion and to create interest for further engagement and learning.

Dixon Center’s One-Pager is a quick read and convenient for sharing. Click here to access the 2024 Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services One-Page Overview.

If you are interested in learning more about our partnership opportunities, please contact Eileen Greenlay, Director of Development at egreenlay@dixoncenter.org.

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