Empower Women Veterans by Donating Today

Empower Women Veterans by Donating Today

“This Independence Day Help Empower Women Veterans to Live with Hope”

Please donate today to the 2024 Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services’ Independence Day Fundraising Campaign and help us reach our goal of $250,000. 

We’ve made it easy for you to donate today at this link: https://dixoncenter.org/direct-giving/.

Earlier this month, Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services sent appeal letters to hundreds of donors as part of our Independence Day Fundraising campaign. The dollars raised will be used for emergency financial relief for over 100 women veterans, as well as providing them access to crisis prevention programs and services, a hallmark of Dixon Center’s strategic positioning to advance impact.

There is a cost to our freedom and women veterans face unique challenges such as single parenting, childcare, homelessness, domestic abuse, and military sexual trauma.

Since 2015, Dixon Center has provided more than $600,000 in emergency financial assistance to over four hundred women veterans. Their stories are moving, and their appreciation is great, as shown in this example below. 

One example of the impact we’ve had providing emergency financial assistance to women veterans in crisis.

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