The Power of Possible with Fedcap Agencies

“We can’t just serve the problem, let us solve for the problem.” – Christine McMahon, President and CEO,The Fedcap Group

Last week, Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services joined all of the 23 Fedcap agencies at the Fedcap Group’s Annual Corporate Week at Civic Hall. We all connected, collaborated, listened to, and learned from each other and our leadership. Christine McMahon, President and CEO, The Fedcap Group, reminded us why we do what do – to ensure the economic well-being for all.At Corporate Week, as we do every day, Dixon Center leveraged the opportunity to include and integrate veterans into the programs and services across the organization. We brought our partner, VetsinTech, to Civic Hall and discussed educational and workforce development opportunities in technology for veterans.

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“We would like to welcome Dwann Wagnerto our team!” – Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services We are thrilled to announce that Dwann Wagner has joined Dixon

Capacity Building Locally

 “Dixon Center is a great partner and is instrumental in increasing the impact of the TV+FA Coalition in supporting veterans and their families in Houston.”

Building Capacity with the Fedcap Group

“Building capacity within The Fedcap Group, and across the nation, is one of our objectives.” – Colonel Duncan Milne, U.S. Marine Corps (RET.), President,Dixon Center

Summer Development Update

“August allows us time to dream.” – Eileen Greenlay, Director of Development Summer is busy for Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services. In May, we