Addressing Veteran Homelessness

Last week, Colonel Duncan S. Milne, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.), President, and Eileen Greenlay, Manager, Donor Relations of Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services attended the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Annual Conference in Washington, DC. It’s the largest gathering of community-based service providers working with veterans experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. The theme for this year’s conference was Building a Better Future.Dixon Center’s three key learnings:

  1. We are making progress, but there is still work to be done.
  2. Data and Collaboration are key to solving the veteran homeless crisis.
  3. Learning occurs nationally, implementation can only work locally.

We are proud and honored to have joined our partners who were also in attendance at the conference, such as Veterans Forward and Soldier On. Both are doing remarkable work in their local communities to provide housing services to veterans in Maine, Massachusetts and New Jersey.To learn more about Dixon Center’s approach to our Live with Hope pillar and our work in addressing homelessness, please visit:

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