FY 2023 Success Leads to Financial Stability for FY 2024

Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 is in the rearview mirror. FY 2024 is launching. We are in a position of financial strength. This makes our work and impact more rewarding. Our staff has the resources they need to accomplish our mission.Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services has three priorities – Support, Growth, and Profitability.  Support for veterans, their families, and our partners. Growth in our team, the numbers of partners we work with, along with number of veterans and military families impacted by our work. Lastly, profitability, which includes a 12% increase in resources each year.FY 2023 is no exception. We continue our trend – growth in resources, growth in partners, and growth in impact.  This includes 12% FY 2023 financial growth compared to FY 2022. FY 2024 will be no different.You can see for yourself when our financial and operating results are included in The Fedcap Group’s audited financial statement ending September 30, 2023. Keep an eye on The Fedcap Group’s Audited Financial landing page.  

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Supporting Our Partners

“Dixon Center has been a great supporter and partner of Soldier On for over a decade in our shared mission of ending veteran homelessness. We