Mid-Year Review – All Ahead Full

“We said this would be a breakout year…we were right”

– Colonel Duncan S. Milne, U.S. Marine Corps (RET.), President, 

Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services

This week we reviewed our budget with The Fedcap Group, our parent organization. Passing the mid-year mark of 2024 we are happy to report we are exceeding our benchmarks for projects, personnel and partners and are in a position of financial strength.

Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services has three priorities – Support, Growth, and Profitability. Support for veterans, their families, and our partners. Growth in our team, and the numbers of partners we work with. Lastly, profitability, which includes a 12% increase in resources each year.

Support. We continue to focus on our three pillars, and thirteen programs. We are working on forty-one projects. The number of projects indicates a five percent increase over the same time in 2023 and 2022.

Growth. Our staff is growing. So far in 2024, we have added a new donor relations specialist and a marketing and communications director. New partners are seeking us out for influence, ideas, and actions. Our partners expanded by 12% this year.

Profitability. In the first 6 month we increased our resources by more than 50% over the same time last year. Our development staff is aggressively pursuing major commitments.

Our partners, with our help, are building capacity, as well as taking advantage of our influence, ideas, and actions to help them integrate veterans and their families into their existing structure, programs, and services. We continue to focus on our noble purpose to make the lives of veterans and their families better.

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