Our Approaching 10th Anniversary

This July 13th we will celebrate our 10th Anniversary.

Leading up to this auspicious milestone we will be sharing our favorite moments, recognizing our partners, and highlighting our achievements.

To kick off the celebration, watch for the launch of our new and improved website designed and coordinated by our Program and Administration Manager, Sara Heidenheimer.

This is an exciting time for Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services. It is the opportunity to double-down on our noble purpose: to make the lives of our veterans and their families better. This is the chance to build upon the success across our 3 pillars, 13 programs, and 356 projects over the past 10 years.

We will use this celebration to recommit ourselves to our mission to ensure our veterans and military families can succeed where they live and that every organization, across all sectors of society, effectively integrate veterans and their families into their organization and existing programs.

With our donors, partners, supporters, and most of all our veterans and their families, we will be celebrating. That said, we recognize that we have so much more to do.

Here’s to many more years of service and commitment. Cheers.

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