Britt Worldwide Makes $50,000 Donation

Britt Worldwide Makes $50,000 Donation

Britt Worldwide (BWW) presented Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services an amazing gift of $50,000 during their annual Free Enterprise Day in Baltimore. As part of their Veterans Day celebration in front of thousands of their BWW partner affiliates the gift was presented to our leadership. For over 10 years, BWW has been a major corporate donor of our work, and a passionate partner in our noble purpose to make the lives of our veterans and their families better. 

Thank you BWW for your ongoing support and leadership focusing on veterans quality of life. 

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“We said this would be a breakout year…we were right” – Colonel Duncan S. Milne, U.S. Marine Corps (RET.), President,  Dixon Center for Military and

Supporting Our Partners

“Dixon Center has been a great supporter and partner of Soldier On for over a decade in our shared mission of ending veteran homelessness. We