See How You’re Enabling Veterans & Their Families

This July 13th, we celebrate our 10th Anniversary.

With a decade of impact under our belt you can check out examples of our 356 projects by swiping across our 13 programs while visiting the landing pages of our 3 work pillars – Work with PurposeHeal with Honor, and Live with Hope – on our website. We are very proud of our achievements over the past 10 years.

Please donate today to Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services and make a positive difference in the lives of veterans and their families. Don’t just make an investment. Have an impact.

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Mid-Year Review – All Ahead Full

“We said this would be a breakout year…we were right” – Colonel Duncan S. Milne, U.S. Marine Corps (RET.), President,  Dixon Center for Military and

Supporting Our Partners

“Dixon Center has been a great supporter and partner of Soldier On for over a decade in our shared mission of ending veteran homelessness. We