Service Before Self Podcast Ep. 14

Dixon Center for Military & Veterans Services posted our 14th episode of Service Before Self, a podcast that tackles the evolving needs of veterans and their families, based on the idea that veterans can succeed in the community where they live.

Listen to Episode 14: Challenges Faced by Disabled Veterans with Louis Orslene, Director, Employer and Workplace Policy Team at Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). ODEP is an agency within the Department of Labor (DoL) whose mission is to develop and influence policies and practices that increase the number and quality of employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

In this episode, your host, Retired Army Colonel Sam Whitehurst, Dixon Center Vice President of Programs & Services, and Louis, discuss how employers and community-based organizations can leverage ODEP programs and policies to create a pipeline of veteran talent that makes their businesses and communities stronger.

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